Go/No-Go Ratios Modulate Inhibition-Related Brain Activity: An Event-Related Potential Study

Nan Zhang, Weichao An, Yinghua Yu, Jinglong Wu, Jiajia Yang



(1) Background: Response inhibition refers to the conscious ability to suppress behavioral responses, which is crucial for effective cognitive control. Currently, research on response inhibition remains controversial, and the neurobiological mechanisms associated with response inhibition are still being explored. The Go/No-Go task is a widely used paradigm that can be used to effectively assess response inhibition capability. While many studies have utilized equal numbers of Go and No-Go trials, how different ratios affect response inhibition remains unknown; (2) Methods: This study investigated the impact of different ratios of Go and No-Go conditions on response inhibition using the Go/No-Go task combined with event-related potential (ERP) techniques; (3) Results: The results showed that as the proportion of Go trials decreased, behavioral performance in Go trials significantly improved in terms of response time, while error rates in No-Go trials gradually decreased. Additionally, the NoGo-P3 component at the central average electrodes (Cz, C1, C2, FCz, FC1, FC2, PCz, PC1, and PC2) exhibited reduced amplitude and latency; (4) Conclusions: These findings indicate that different ratios in Go/No-Go tasks influence response inhibition, with the brain adjusting processing capabilities and rates for response inhibition. This effect may be related to the brain’s predictive mechanism model.

ジャーナルBrain Sciences
出版ステータスPublished - 5月 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 神経科学一般


「Go/No-Go Ratios Modulate Inhibition-Related Brain Activity: An Event-Related Potential Study」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
