Platelet Adhesion on Titania Film Prepared from Interaction of Ni-Ti Alloy with Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

Satoshi Hayakawa, Kanji Tsuru, Akiyoshi Osaka


2 被引用数 (Scopus)


Titania films were prepared from interaction of Ni-Ti shape memory alloy with hydrogen peroxide solution followed by heating at 400°C. The titania films consisted of crystalline phase of TiO2 (anatase). The in vitro platelet adhesion property of the titania films was examined, The titania films on Ni-Ti alloy substrates adhered less platelets than Ni-Ti alloy substrate without treatment. This indicates that the titania film can suppress the adhesion of platelet. The present chemical modification process with hydrogen peroxide solution is applicable to prevent the Ni-Ti shape memory alloy materials from platelet adhesion when in contact with blood.

ジャーナルKey Engineering Materials
出版ステータスPublished - 2004
イベントThe Annual Meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine - Porto
継続期間: 11月 6 200311月 9 2003

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 材料科学一般
  • 材料力学
  • 機械工学


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